Proud Patriots

Patriots don’t back down… EVER!

Every day, freedom loving patriots like you face a constant bombardment of anti-American messaging from politicians… the mainstream press… from Hollywood… our own friends and family… and sadly, even from our own political party.

We’re facing an intense propaganda campaign specifically designed to demoralize us, poison our resolve, and break our American spirit.

That’s not going to happen on our watch.

The products we offer at Proud Patriots are the antidote to un-American messaging. 

Like our exclusive line of collectible, display quality bobbleheads. Guaranteed to  put a smile on any patriots face. 

Looking for the perfect gift? Or maybe something that you can proudly hand down to the next generations of patriots?

Our authentic line of bills and collectible coins make great corporate, holiday, and birthday gifts.

Or you can start building your own personal collection today.

All products at Proud Patriots are designed to provide a visual reminder that America’s true vision of freedom, democracy, and opportunity is stronger than ever.

And we stand by our word. The Proud Patriots team has three rules of operation… 

  1. We promote the American way of life. Always.
  2. The great people who ship our products to you… speak with you on the phone… and answer your emails, all work in America.
  3. We provide the best possible service in the industry.

Let’s be honest, there aren’t many companies around any more that promote the American Way of Life with U.S. based employees providing top notch customer service. 

We take personal pride in that.

Spend some time browsing our curated lineup of patriotic coins, rare bills, collectibles, and more. We promise you’ll find something that speaks to you.

You’ll probably find something that would make a great gift idea for a fellow patriot.

Personally, we recommend looking for something that reminds you and everybody else…  
Patriots don’t back down. EVER!

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